The Illegal Migrants in Israel Must Go vs. Being A Light Unto the Nations – Which Value to Pick?

Introduction This was originally posted on the 24th of Elul, 5783. It is especially appropriate to reissue this post in light of the recent imprisonment of anti-illegal immigrant activist, Shefi Paz. To quote from a translated facebook post of Israel’s … Continued

The Truth is that Rashi Did Not Believe Hashem Has a Body!

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

According to Rambam believing that Hashem has a body is an ideological crime, similar to the ideological crime of being an atheist. See the article: Are Chinese Atheists Who Persecute Judaism and Threaten Israel, Bad People? for details. The great … Continued

David Goes to Battle Against Aram

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This audio lecture is by Lenny Goldberg. It is located at–10-v-5-19-David-Goes-to-Battle-Against-Aram-e2fbs99/a-aau6rte Comment regarding the lecture: Midrash Tanchuma faults David for the war breaking out. The Torah commands us not to seek out the peace and good of (the people … Continued