The Truth is that Rashi Did Not Believe Hashem Has a Body!

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According to Rambam believing that Hashem has a body is an ideological crime, similar to the ideological crime of being an atheist. See the article: Are Chinese Atheists Who Persecute Judaism and Threaten Israel, Bad People? for details. The great … Continued

The Prophet Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) Criticized Our Reliance on Foreign Allies

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The book of Eicha (Lamentations) was written according to the Talmud by Yirmiyahu. In Eicha 4:17 the verse (as translated by states: Even now our eyes pine away In vain for deliverance. As we waited, still we wait For … Continued

The Tribe of Levi (according to Rashi & Talmud Yerushalmi) Fought a Civil War to Prevent Israel’s Attempt to Go Back to Egypt

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

In the last year of life of Moshe, a new count of the soldiers of Israel by Moshe and Elazar is recorded in Bamidbar / Numbers Chapter 26. Regarding the tribe of Shimon (Simeon) the text as translated by Rabbi … Continued

Coins of Nero Caesar as Proof of Etzba (halachic finger width), Tefach (halachic handbreadth) and Cubit

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

The Talmud, tractate Menachot 41b sets the relationship between Tefach (halachic handbreadth) and Etzba (halachic finger width). Menachot 97b and 98a explain the relationship of the handbreadth to the cubit. Thus if we could figure out the handbreadth we can … Continued

A Few Days After the Conclusion of Chanuka 5783 Bibi Netanyahu Officially Returned to Power in Israel. As Usual King David Was Left Out of the Coalition Agreement.

With the title of this post in mind reprints an excerpt from the post: King Charles III Recently Became King of Britain. Is There Any Mitzva to See Him? Prayer: May the Coronation of King Charles III Inspire Us … Continued