About the Weddings of Jewish agents from the Shabak, Who Under Deception Married Muslim Women and at the end of the Mission, Rabbi Shlomo Goren, According to Menachem Rahat, Agreed to Convert Them

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Translated Quote from an article by Menachem Rahat Twelve years after it was established, the unit was decommissioned. In 1964, the undercover agents were ordered to say goodbye to their dual identity and Arab family. To the bachelors among them … Continued

From the Islamic Invasion to the Crusades – A History of the land of Israel by Rabbi Joseph Schwarz (first published in 5610/1850) with Commentary

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The Historian, Rabbi Joseph Schwarz, wrote the article: History of Palestine: 614-1096 C.E. From the Accession of the Mahomedans to that of the Europeans for a Periodical Called the Occident. source: http://www.jewish-history.com/palestine/period2.html I decided I would directly quote an excerpt … Continued

Behar-Bechukotai: Jews living outside Eretz Yisrael? By Ariel Natan Pasko

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Behar-Bechukotai: Jews living outside Eretz Yisrael? By Ariel Natan Pasko This past Shabbat’s Torah reading, Behar-Bechukotai, has three major concepts, that relate directly to events of the day, and without delving deeper into them, they might be completely missed. PM … Continued

Dozens Protest Last Week At the Wall of the Old City of Jerusalem, to Get Permission to Offer Animal Sacrifices, such as, the Passover Sacrifice on the Temple Mount. They Suggest Animal Sacrifices Will Stop the Corona Plague.

The Biblical book of Shmot/Exodus Chapter 12 – describes how the Jewish people were saved from a supernatural plague by offering the Passover sacrifice. That sacrifice however, was offered outside the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, since the rule that all … Continued

Mitzvot in Space (Halacha in Extreme Places Part 3) – Rabbi Anthony Manning – Delivered at the OU Israel Center, February 19, 2020, 24 Shevat 5780

posted in: English Divrei Torah, science | 0

The presentation by vilnagaon.org of Rabbi Manning’s views on “Mitzvot in Space” is not to be seen as an endorsement of his conclusions. It is meant just to encourage research into this fascinating topic. The link to the audio: https://audio.vilnagaon.org/outer-space/Mitzvot … Continued

Make No Mistake! Trump’s Deal of the Century Has Led To the Expulsion of Jews and Will Lead To the Expulsion of Jews

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My assumption is that Israel’s Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu would not have done what is described below to the Kumi Ori neighborhood unless it was part of groundwork for Trump’s Deal of the Century: from https://madmimi.com/p/4e21b01?pact=210351-158242345-306968511-ba60e2d39ef605a8c0975ead3a30cf69c16825b3 Destruction of the Kumi … Continued

Winning the War to Conquer the Land of Israel Overrides the Commandment of Saving Lives

Former Chief Rabbi of British Mandate Palestine, Rabbi Avraham Kook pointed out (Chazon HaGeula p. 222) that winning a War to Conquer the Land of Israel takes precedence even if it means endangering Jews for the sake of victory. Since … Continued

Wheelchair Access to Tomb of Patriarchs Gets Final Approval – Israel Uses Eminent Domain to Avoid the Veto of the Palestinian Authority

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http://en.hebron.org.il/news/1178 Government approval was given for the creation of a handicapped access elevator at the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron. Defense Minister Naftali Bennett approved the move on Sunday after an arduous process which involved multiple government … Continued