The Illegal Migrants in Israel Must Go vs. Being A Light Unto the Nations – Which Value to Pick?

Introduction This was originally posted on the 24th of Elul, 5783. It is especially appropriate to reissue this post in light of the recent imprisonment of anti-illegal immigrant activist, Shefi Paz. To quote from a translated facebook post of Israel’s … Continued

Ch. 1 of Kings which is Read in the Synagogue after “Chayei Sarah”- Describes the Attempt of Adoniyahu to Deprive Shlomo/Solomon of the Right To Be King

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

source: Haftarah for Chayei Sarah by Rabbi Jack Abramowitz OU Torah Haftarah Haftarah for Chayei Sarah Rabbi Jack Abramowitz I Kings 1:1-31 King David had grown old and was showing his age. They covered him with blankets, but he still … Continued

Rambam: We Should Not Accept Converts – When We Have Good Reason To Believe There is an Ulterior Motive

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

Excerpts From Translation of Rambam (Maimonides), Hilchot Issurei Biah Chapter 13 The proper way of performing the mitzvah is when a male or a female prospective convert comes, we inspect his motives for conversion. Perhaps he is coming for … Continued

Hurricane Katrina, Harvey, and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process by Ariel Natan Pasko

posted in: Uncategorized | 0 The collected articles of Ariel Natan Pasko from 2017/5777 on. Ariel is an independent analyst and consultant, he is hard-hitting and writes with academic thoroughness and humor. Ariel has a Masters Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy and … Continued