Milchemet Mitzvah, an obligatory war, to eliminate the Chillul HaShem as quickly as possible by Ariel N. Pasko

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Milchemet Mitzvah, an obligatory war, to eliminate the Chillul HaShem as quickly as possible by Ariel N. Pasko This is an excerpt from a larger article by Ariel N. Pasko. The full article is at As the Rabbis tell … Continued

How Hitler Continues to Attack the Jewish Majority Decades After His Demise

How Hitler Continues to Attack the Jewish Majority Decades After His Demise One of the failures of the Gush Emunim, settlers movement was their focus on new settlements without sufficient focus on removal of the enemies of G-d from the … Continued

Before you try to imitate the unusual actions that you read in the story about the Tzadik, there are points that you must first take into consideration.

Before you try to imitate the unusual actions that you read in the story about the Tzadik, there are points that you must first take into consideration. 1 Are all the facts about the story accurate? 2 Does the narrator … Continued

The Gap Between World War I and World War II is the Gap Between the Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Tzedek/Jupiter and Israel’s Surprise Elections

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The Gap Between World War I and World War II is the Gap Between the Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Tzedek/Jupiter and Israel’s Surprise Elections In a previous post I pointed out that World War II started on the … Continued