Handing over 1 Jew for Execution to Save the Many – The Sheva the son of Bikhri Exception to the General Rule

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A Little Background on that Worthless Man, Sheva the son of Bikhri based on the Koren Jerusalem Bible translation of II Shmuel (Samuel) Chapter 20 (https://www.sefaria.org.il/II_Samuel.20.1?ven=english|The_Koren_Jerusalem_Bible&lang=en&with=Translations&lang2=en) And there happened to be there a worthless man, whose name was Sheva, the … Continued

It Was a Conspiracy of the Wicked & Therefore Their Opinion Carries No Moral Authority – Even Though Their Side Had More Support

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For the sake of ease, vilnagaon.org presents the translation of Sefaria.org to Sanhedrin 26a instead of making a slightly more accurate translation. The Gemara asks: What is the source of the halakha that a conspiracy of wicked people is not … Continued

His Bad Judgement Caused the Death of a Righteous Sage. Hashem Gave Him the Ability to Bring His Victim Back to Life

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Sefaria.org translation of the Talmud, Baba Kama page 117 There was a certain man who desired to show another individual’s straw to the gentile authorities, who would seize it. He came before Rav, who said to him: Do not show … Continued

Charedi Posek Ra’avad (Chief) of the Edah HaChareidis , Harav Moshe Shternbuch Seems to Have Changed His Opinion About Tekhelet (Techeiles)

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According to https://bluefringes.com/notable_people/r-moshe-shternbuch/ Rabbi Yisroel Barkin mentioned that one of R’ Shternbuch’s grandson’s wrote against Techeiles, and R’ Shternbuch signed off on it without doing the proper research. Now that he has done the research, he since then obtained a few … Continued

The Power of Speaking Favorably of Israel – Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein

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Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein discusses in Chashukei Chemed, Arakhin 15a the following question, which for the sake of ease, I more or less translated with the help of an artificial intelligence program ChatGPT. The translation isn’t perfect but good enough for … Continued

The Mouse Is Not Assigned the Primary Blame for the Theft but Rather the Mouse Hole

The way that the Bar Ilan Responsa project explains this in its Talmudic concepts section is: “The mouse is not to blame for the theft, but rather the hole through which the mouse entered the place of theft, as a … Continued

The Illegal Migrants in Israel Must Go vs. Being A Light Unto the Nations – Which Value to Pick?

Introduction This was originally posted on the 24th of Elul, 5783. It is especially appropriate to reissue this post in light of the recent imprisonment of anti-illegal immigrant activist, Shefi Paz. To quote from a translated facebook post of Israel’s … Continued

The Truth is that Rashi Did Not Believe Hashem Has a Body!

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According to Rambam believing that Hashem has a body is an ideological crime, similar to the ideological crime of being an atheist. See the article: Are Chinese Atheists Who Persecute Judaism and Threaten Israel, Bad People? for details. The great … Continued