David Goes to Battle Against Aram

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This audio lecture is by Lenny Goldberg. It is located at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lenny-goldberg/episodes/Shmuel-2-Ch–10-v-5-19-David-Goes-to-Battle-Against-Aram-e2fbs99/a-aau6rte Comment regarding the lecture: Midrash Tanchuma faults David for the war breaking out. The Torah commands us not to seek out the peace and good of (the people … Continued

Artem Dolgopyat’s Olympic Gold Medal is A Loss for the Jewish State

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook former Chief Rabbi of British Mandate Palestine, in theory supported Jews participating in Sports (Orot section 34). He thought it would develop the materialistic side of the nation of Israel and he considered the development of … Continued

Video: Refusing Orders by Menachem Gottlieb & Why David Believed that Uriah Was A Rebel Against the Kingdom?

Source: https://vilnagaon.org/media/refusing2.mp4 Your browser does not support the video tag. See the comment below on Why David Believed that Uriah Was A Rebel Against the Kingdom? Why David Believed that Uriah Was A Rebel Against the Kingdom? II Shmuel/Samuel 11:11 … Continued

Ch. 1 of Kings which is Read in the Synagogue after “Chayei Sarah”- Describes the Attempt of Adoniyahu to Deprive Shlomo/Solomon of the Right To Be King

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

source: Haftarah for Chayei Sarah by Rabbi Jack Abramowitz OU Torah Haftarah Haftarah for Chayei Sarah Rabbi Jack Abramowitz I Kings 1:1-31 King David had grown old and was showing his age. They covered him with blankets, but he still … Continued