Model of The Temple Mount 150 years Ago & Natural Efforts to Build The Temple

Model of the Temple Mount of the Gentile, Conrad Schick from 150 years ago that may provide us with useful facts and the view of “Minchat Chinuch” (Rabbi Yosef Babad): It is known that the Torah will not rely on … Continued

Audio & Video of Rabbi Yisroel Barkin: The Kashrut Of The Murex Trunculus Snail For Techeilit – Tekhelet

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A comment by Shlomo Moshe Scheinman on the video/audio that appears below. Because the timing of the rediscovery of Tekhelet has some importance for my article A Solution to Fundamental Problems Regarding Tekhelet and Rabbi Barkin without intention put some … Continued

Rabbi Meir Mazuz: The “Reform” Destroyed Judaism in America

Rabbi Meir Mazuz: The “Reform” Destroyed Judaism in America Rabbi Meir Mazuz: The “Reform” seek to dig their claws into the Western Wall like the pig did to the walls of Jerusalem Translation provided by A video of the … Continued