David Goes to Battle Against Aram

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This audio lecture is by Lenny Goldberg. It is located at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lenny-goldberg/episodes/Shmuel-2-Ch–10-v-5-19-David-Goes-to-Battle-Against-Aram-e2fbs99/a-aau6rte Comment regarding the lecture: Midrash Tanchuma faults David for the war breaking out. The Torah commands us not to seek out the peace and good of (the people … Continued

Rabbi Alexander Hool’s Viewpoint Regarding how to Synchronize Biblical Chronology with Secular Egyptian Chronology

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Note from the editor: There are other audios at https://podtail.com/en/podcast/seforimchatter/with-r-alex-hool-discussing-his-new-book-pharaoh-b/. The editor of vilnagaon.org has not listened to them and therefore it should be made clear there is no implied endorsement of the other audios. Regarding who was the Pharaoh … Continued