Why Did Caphtor Vapherach Not Explicitly Mention the “Dome of the Rock” in contrast to the Disciple of Ramban who lived in the same generation or Rabbi Binyamin of Tudela (a contemporary of Rambam) Who Did Explicitly Mention the Dome of the Rock?

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

The fact that the phrase “Dome of the Rock” does not appear explicitly in the writings of the Caphtor Vapherach, is brought by advocates of the Southern Location of the Temple on Mount Moriah as evidence that that Caphtor Vapherach … Continued

A Rejection of the Proofs That Caphtor Vapherach Supported the Southern Theory of the Temple’s Location on Mount Moriah

This article is a continuation of the post entitled: Caphtor Vapherach and the Theory of the Architect Tuvia Sagiv and a little about Asher Kaufman’s Views about the Temple Mount. In that post strong evidence was brought to show that … Continued

Caphtor Vapherach and the Theory of the Architect Tuvia Sagiv and a little about Asher Kaufman’s Views about the Temple Mount

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

The researcher Asher Kaufman advocated the theory that the Holy of Holies is located in place of a dome supported by pillars located north of the Dome of the Rock and known as the “Dome of the Spirits”. The natural … Continued