Audio: Menachem Gottlieb Discusses New Realities Affecting Rambam’s Ruling on Islam and Avoda Zara

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The Chafetz Chaim informs us in Mishna Brura, chapter 304 and in Beu’r Halacha to chapter 330 that trinity believers and Muslims do not have the more honorable status of Gair Toashav.

Excerpt from the post of Fri, 1 September 2023 = 15th of Elul, 5783: Singer Yishai Ribo Visits Aryeh Leib Gottlieb Who is Slowly Recovering From A Terror Attack
car riddled with bullets from the terror attack
Yishai Ribo visiting Aryeh at the hospital
Yishai Ribo visiting Aryeh at the hospital reports:

Famed singer Yishai Ribo visited Chevron attack survivor Aryeh Gottleib on Monday at Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva and performed a personal concert for him.

Gottlieb, a father of six, was almost murdered last week in a shooting attack as he was driving from his home in Beit Chagai, a yishuv near Chevron, with his neighbors, Batsheva Nigri, H’yd, and her 12-year-old daughter.

After being shot by multiple bullets at close range, he was so sure he wasn’t going to make it that he recited Shema Yisrael and Vidui. But somehow he found the strength to continue driving and a paramedic administered initial treatment with tourniquets, stopping the profuse bleeding. The paramedic also used a knife to open his neck, saving his life. He was evacuated to Soroka, where the doctors managed to stabilize his condition. His survival is truly a neis.

While he was being treated, Gottlieb said that he recited Mishnayos Ba’al Peh to ensure his brain wasn’t affected.

For those who wish to pray for Aryeh, his mother’s name is Ella. That is to say one should pray for the recovery of Aryeh Leib ben Ella.
His father is Menachem Gottlieb who has offered posts for


For those who would like to learn more about: Taking Care of the Ill — The Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim
press on the link to Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff’s article on the subject.