An Email Discussion Between Rabbi Moshe Zuriel, Z”L and Shlomo Scheinman about The Prayer of Calev at Maarat Hamachpela (the Tomb of the Patriarchs) in Light of Mishna Brura’s Halachic Ruling Against Making Requests to The Dead
Introduction In the last year of the lifetime of Rabbi Moshe Zuriel, (of blessed memory) I asked the rabbi by email how to explain the Talmud’s account of the prayer of Calev at Maarat Hamachpela (Talmud, tractate Sotah 34b). I … Continued
Audio: Menachem Gottlieb Discusses New Realities Affecting Rambam’s Ruling on Islam and Avoda Zara
The Chafetz Chaim informs us in Mishna Brura, chapter 304 and in Beu’r Halacha to chapter 330 that trinity believers and Muslims do not have the more honorable status of Gair Toashav. Excerpt from the post of Fri, … Continued
Every Generation That It Was Not Built in Its Days It is Considered As If That Generation Had Destroyed It
The following is based on the Talmud Yerushalmi on Yoma, Chapter 1, Halacha 1 as interpreted by the Yedid Nefesh Commentary We have found that the Temple was not destroyed the first time, except on account that they were serving … Continued
Building New Israeli Settlements – The Opinion of the Gaon – according to Kol Hator
B”H To Build New Settlements in the Territories Liberated by Israel After the 6 Day War The Opinion of the Gaon – according to Kol Hator Question: Perhaps one should not build settlements right now because of the mitzvah to … Continued
King Charles III Recently Became King of Britain. Is There Any Mitzva to See Him?
Post revised: 26th Elul 5782 – Sept. 22, 2022 Based on: Bracha for Seeing a King or Queen It is a mitzvah to go and see rulers and kings, whether they are Jewish or non-Jewish.[14] Nonetheless, one shouldn’t waste … Continued
Hadassim and Tekhelet
Excerpt from: A Solution to Fundamental Problems Regarding Tekhelet I will relate as a matter of principle to the question, is it possible to renew the mitzva of Tekhelet or other mitzvas {or to be more loyal to the Hebrew … Continued