The Prophet Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) Criticized Our Reliance on Foreign Allies

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The book of Eicha (Lamentations) was written according to the Talmud by Yirmiyahu.

In Eicha 4:17 the verse (as translated by states:

Even now our eyes pine away

In vain for deliverance.

As we waited, still we wait

For a nation that cannot help.

Rashi as translated by “The Metsudah Five Megillot” comments:

We persisted in longingly eyeing illusive reinforcements. When the evil befell us, our eyes were still looking forward to Pharaoh’s army, concerning whom it is stated, “And the Egyptians, they help in vain and to no purpose,” for they would promise us aid but they would not come, as it is stated concerning them, “Behold, Pharaoh’s army, which has come out to help [you], is returning to its land, to Egypt.” We find in Midrash Kinos that they were coming in ships. The Holy One, Blessed Is He, hinted to the sea and caused inflated flasks like human intestines to move about in the water. They said to each other, “These flasks are our forefathers, the men of Egypt who drowned in the sea on account of these Jews, and we are going out to assist them?” They stopped and turned back.


With this in mind, I was glad to read the report in

Israel to begin manufacturing aircraft munitions

The decision is part of an attempt to improve the IDF’s logistics and independence from foreign manufacturers.

Israel will soon begin to manufacture heavy bombs for the air force to overcome supply delays and establish independence in weapons development.

Ehud Barak, as chief of IDF staff and prime minister, touted a doctrine by which Israel could depend on the United States for arms. Israel accordingly drastically reduced its domestic military production capabilities and nearly everything that it had produced domestically—from uniforms to rifles to bullets, to artillery and tank shells—was shut down and the contracts moved to the United States.

According to Israel Hayom, one of the most significant lessons Israel has drawn from the war is that it must manufacture and develop critical munitions for the IDF by itself…


Concurrently, the Ministry of Defense is expanding the domestic production of additional munitions, including tank ammunition (of which there is a shortage worldwide) and 155mm artillery shells. Recently, the Ministry announced a series of mega-deals, including a 1.5 billion shekel deal with Elbit for the purchase of ammunition, and the establishment of a dedicated plant for this purpose at Ramat Baka.