Yair Netanyahu, the son of the Prime Minister Breaks the Taboo Against Revealing the Bad Side of Rabin

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Yair Netanyahu, the son of the Prime Minister Breaks the Taboo Against Revealing the Bad Side of Rabin

According to http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/268524 posted a tweet:

“Rabin broke the law by lecturing in America while still a public servant, earning a fortune,” Yair wrote on Twitter. “When they brought it against him, he blamed the case on his wife and closed the case in a pleasant conversation in his living room with Aharon Barak. Rabin murdered Holocaust survivors on the Altalena. Rabin brought Arafat and tens of thousands of terrorists from Tunis and caused the deaths of 2,000 Israelis.”

Other news articles pointed out that Prime Minister Netanyahu does not agree with his son on this issue.
In any case the story gives me the opportunity to encourage people to read the post on this web site The Smear Campaign Against the Right on the Rabin Assassination and the Mass Killing at Deir Yassin