Under the Guise of Providing Health Care – Israel Committed Crimes Against Yemenite Jews in the Early Years of the State and Will Provide Compensation

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According to the Hebrew site Kipa Israel agreed last Monday to pay 162 million shekels as reparation payments to Yemenite families for the abuses they suffered under the guise of health care.

Yemenite Child
Picture from: LOST AND FOUND – A stolen baby. A genetic test. A Teimani woman finds her family By Malka Katz, Mishpacha Jewish Family Weekly from an article that appeared in the secular date edition of “Mishpacha” in their Family First Feature Section on the secular date SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 (18th of Elul, 5779 ).

According to Janglo.net

For the first time ever, the Israeli government has taken responsibility for the mysterious disappearance of up to 5,000 mostly Yemenite immigrant infants and toddlers in the state’s early years and will pay the families compensation for their loss.

The scandal has been an open sore in the psyche of thousands of families from both Yemen and the Balkans, whose young children were forcibly taken from them when they fell ill in the tent camps set up to house the myriads of refugees that flooded the state in the late forties and early fifties.

Many times, the parents were not allowed to go see them in the hospital, and then they were told that the children had died and the authorities had buried them, instead of providing the families with the bodies. Eventually, the suspicion arose that the children had recovered but in an organized, secret initiative, they were given to better-off Ashkenazic families for adoption.

Some of the reparations money will go to families, where the children actually died but never received information about the death at the time. Larger sums of money will go to families whose children’s fate is unknown.

For more about this crime see: Now That Solid Evidence Has Surfaced For The Yemenite Baby Kidnapping Scandal – Some Establishment Figures Are Looking To Cleanse the Name of Rabbi Uzi Meshullam, Z”L Who Was Sent To Prison During His Fight To Expose the Scandal

See also: LOST AND FOUND – A stolen baby. A genetic test. A Teimani woman finds her family By Malka Katz, Mishpacha Jewish Family Weekly

This story comes out conveniently when the current Israel Ministry of Health is asking us to believe their health claims on a hotly debated health issue.