The Inspiration for the Custom of Tossing Out 16 Drops of Wine at the Seder Was A Symbolic Call to Increase Divine Wrath and Vengeance Against the Evil Gentiles.

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Pour out your wrath upon the Gentiles that do not know you and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon your name. For they have devoured Yaacov (Jacob) and his shrine they have made desolate. The above quotation is … Continued

The vengeance of Israel in the generation that is completely liable is like the vengeance of Israel against the supporters of Haman

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

Talmud, Sanhedrin 97b -98a Rav says: All the ends of days that were calculated passed, and the matter depends only upon repentance and good deeds. When the Jewish people repent, they will be redeemed. And Shmuel says: It is sufficient … Continued