Para Aduma – The Red Heifer
You might have to wait a few seconds for the page to load. Also see the post: 5 RED HEIFER CANDIDATES ARRIVE IN ISRAEL
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You might have to wait a few seconds for the page to load. Also see the post: 5 RED HEIFER CANDIDATES ARRIVE IN ISRAEL
Rashi Teaches: “When Yaakov passed the place of the Temple why did He not make him stop there?” — If it never entered his mind to pray at the spot where his fathers had prayed should Heaven detain … Continued
From As reported live last week, five perfectly red, unblemished red heifers arrived Thursday on a direct flight from New York’s Kennedy Airport to Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport. The five heifers were originally raised on ranches in Texas. They … Continued
Behold it is known that a person has to look forward towards the salvation of Hashem that the Glory of his Kingdom will be revealed in the world. As our sages stated (Shabbat 31a) that the (heavenly court) asks a … Continued
This post was updated Tue, 27 August 2024 = 23rd of Av, 5784 This is what the Temple Institute said: For many years it has been the custom of Rabbi Dr. Moshe Dovid Tendler, famed posek, professor, and son-in-law of … Continued
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