The Light of Messiah, Rabbi Avraham Kook, Rabbi Yaakov Kaminetsky and a Comment

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The Lights of Teshuva (Orot Hateshuva, chapter 15:10) by Rabbi Avraham Y. Kook Therefore just by the great truth of Return to one’s self, will the person and the nation, the world and all the worlds, and all the existence … Continued

The vengeance of Israel in the generation that is completely liable is like the vengeance of Israel against the supporters of Haman

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Talmud, Sanhedrin 97b -98a Rav says: All the ends of days that were calculated passed, and the matter depends only upon repentance and good deeds. When the Jewish people repent, they will be redeemed. And Shmuel says: It is sufficient … Continued