His Bad Judgement Caused the Death of a Righteous Sage. Hashem Gave Him the Ability to Bring His Victim Back to Life

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Sefaria.org translation of the Talmud, Baba Kama page 117 There was a certain man who desired to show another individual’s straw to the gentile authorities, who would seize it. He came before Rav, who said to him: Do not show … Continued

The Real Attitudes of Mainstream Islam against the Jews

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Source: https://palwatch.org/page/3447 PA Mufti: Muslims’ destiny is to kill Jews Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik  | Jan 15, 2012 PA’s highest religious authority, the Mufti, at Fatah event: Muslims’ destiny is to kill Jews Resurrection will come only after Jews are … Continued