Senator Ted Cruz: The so-called Respect for Marriage Act is going to set the stage for the Biden IRS to target people of faith

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Quote from: 11.30.2022 CRUZ STATEMENT ON VOTE AGAINST SO-CALLED RESPECT FOR MARRIAGE ACTWASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) made the following comments after voting against the so-called Respect for Marriage Act:“The so-called Respect for Marriage Act is … Continued

Now The Pragmatic Confirmation of Our Moral Objections to Trump’s Abraham Accords Are Coming to the Surface

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In the past the writers that contribute to have raised a number of serious objections to President Trump’s Abraham Accords. For example see: Land for Peace, A Major Sin In Avraham’s (Abraham’s) Time and to Separate Holy From Secular, … Continued