When Moshe (Moses) Initially Appeared Before Pharaoh, the Oppression of Israel Increased with Haamek Davar’s commentary to Exodus 6:1

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When Moshe (Moses) Initially Appeared Before Pharaoh, the Oppression of Israel Increased Exodus 5:15 – Exodus 6:1 with Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s Translation Haamek Davar’s commentary to Exodus 6:1 explains Hashem’s reply to Moshe 15 The Israelite foremen came and protested … Continued

Why Vilnagaon.org Originally Provided a Link to the Site Containing Yaakov Shwekey’s “Elokei Oz” and “Hamalach” & Why the Link Was Removed

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There is a web site that contains many of Yaakov Shewekey’s video songs, which originally a link was provided to the songs mentioned above. The initial thought was that since the site didn’t contain the usual YouTube ads and the … Continued