Researchers at Boston University Claim to Have Created a New COVID Strain that has an 80% Kill Rate in Lab Mice – A Discussion of the Biblical Implications

posted in: Comments on society, science | 0

Researchers at Boston University claim to have created a new COVID strain that has an 80% kill rate in lab mice. According to newspaper reports it is somewhat of a hybrid between the Omicron strain and the original Wuhan strain … Continued

In the opinion of Meam Loez commentary on Shmuel/Samuel there was a time of “boiling hot wrath” when David counted Israel, and therefore the Nation of Israel was punished by a plague.

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

In the opinion of Meam Loez commentary to Shmuel/Samuel, there was a time of “boiling hot wrath” when David counted Israel, and therefore the Nation of Israel was punished by a plague. last revised 25th of Nissan, 5780 -April 19,2020 … Continued