The “Theoretical” Good Parts and the Real Very Bad Parts of Trump’s Plan for Gaza

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What Exactly Did Trump Say? To quote Trump says U.S. will take ownership of Gaza WASHINGTON —  U.S. President Donald Trump said he wants the United States to take ownership of Gaza, moving beyond his earlier statements of forcing … Continued

The Proxy War of the Israeli Left Against Religious Zionism and their Allies

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Quote  from: It is clear that religious Zionists were the sector of Israeli society most affected by the disengagement. Indeed, a substantial majority of the evacuees were religious Zionists. Many sustained a personal loss. In addition, those who were not … Continued

PLO Central Council Votes to End Recognition of State of Israel

PLO Central Council Votes to End Recognition of State of Israel Excerpt from an article at The Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Central Council has voted to officially suspend recognition of the State of Israel until Israel recognizes the “State … Continued

Hurricane Michael, US Passports, Trump, Jerusalem…the Flood is Coming! By Ariel Natan Pasko

Hurricane Michael, US Passports, Trump, Jerusalem…the Flood is Coming! By Ariel Natan Pasko Michael is the guardian angel of Israel/the Jewish People. Trump just declared no “Jerusalem, Israel” on US Passports, for American citizens born there. The G-d of Israel … Continued

The Ideology of an Ideal Torah U’Madda Community by Shmuel Reichman REVISED Comment on the lecture. In Kol Hator, the author calls for establishing the type of a community envisioned by Shmuel Reichman in Jerusalem. Although I don’t have an exact date for when the communities of the exile will … Continued

Trump in Diplomatic Language in Essence Promises to Continue Obama’s Policy on Jerusalem

Trump in Huckabee Interview: First Peace, Then Embassy Move There is a silver lining to this, because if it was up to me I would move all Embassies to the vicinity of Eilat because of what the Chazon Ish mentions … Continued

If True Peace With Syria Could Be Obtained Despite All The Difficulties Stated Would this Be Desirable?

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If True Peace With Syria Could Be Obtained Despite All The Difficulties Stated Would this Be Desirable? Suprisingly to some, the answer is no! The reason is that if there were true peace, the numbers and influence of Israel’s Arab … Continued