The Potential Damage to Israel, If the Army Abides by the Constraints of Biden

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Date of publication: Thu, 26 October 2023 after sunset = 12th of Cheshvan, 5784 This article is based on part of a larger article by Rabbi Elchanan Rafaeli   Don’t get excited about Biden’s visit to Israel. “For whoever trusts … Continued

The Relationship between the Oil and the Meal Offering as an Indication to Understand the Different Types of Meal Offerings

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

An excerpt from the article on the Meal Offerings and Their Implications by Rabbi Moshe Odess in Maalin Bakodesh, issue #2 The Meal Offering Offered by the Sinner By the Sliding-Scale Offering it is stated: (Vayikra / Leviticus 5:11) If … Continued