Refuting the Bible Critics on The Region of Dan in Genesis Chapter 14 – A Discussion at What Point in Time Did This Region Get that Name.

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He hurried after [the invaders], catching up with them in Dan (Breishit / Genesis 14:14). Is this Dan, Layish, Leshem, or Somewhere Else? The full verse of Breishit / Genesis 14:14 as translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan states: When Abram … Continued

Lavan {Laban}, the Father-in-Law, the ‘Shituf’ Believer, the Swindler, the Aramean is Blamed for Destroying our Forefather Yaakov

Lavan {Laban}, the Father-in-Law, the Trinity Believer, the Swindler, the Aramean is Blamed for Destroying our Forefather Yaakov Background Breishit/Genesis Chapter 31 as translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan Yaakov’s Journey or as translated by Rabbi Kaplan, Jacob’s Journey, Marriage and … Continued