Two employees at Sydney hospital appearing in Tiktok video saying they won’t treat, but may kill Israeli patients, are suspended.

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Excerpt from: “An initial investigation revealed that the two, who have been identified by the Daily Telegraph as Ahman ‘Rashad’ Nadir and Sarah Abu Lebdeh, responded to Veifer when they discover that he is Israeli, “I’m so disappointed that … Continued

Lavan {Laban}, the Father-in-Law, the ‘Shituf’ Believer, the Swindler, the Aramean is Blamed for Destroying our Forefather Yaakov

Lavan {Laban}, the Father-in-Law, the Trinity Believer, the Swindler, the Aramean is Blamed for Destroying our Forefather Yaakov Background Breishit/Genesis Chapter 31 as translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan Yaakov’s Journey or as translated by Rabbi Kaplan, Jacob’s Journey, Marriage and … Continued