The vengeance of Israel in the generation that is completely liable is like the vengeance of Israel against the supporters of Haman

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Talmud, Sanhedrin 97b -98a Rav says: All the ends of days that were calculated passed, and the matter depends only upon repentance and good deeds. When the Jewish people repent, they will be redeemed. And Shmuel says: It is sufficient … Continued

Mordechai Provoked WICKED (Gentiles) Goyim ׂ(But Not All Goyim)

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Picture Source:Wikipedia Maharal in his commentary Ohr Chadash: And all the servants of the king etc. … But Mordechai would not bow; It was written in grammatical form denoting the future, for it was not done just this one time … Continued

Mordechai Provoked WICKED (Gentiles) Goyim ׂ(But Not All Goyim)

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Maharal in his commentary Ohr Chadash: And all the servants of the king etc. … But Mordechai would not bow; It was written in grammatical form denoting the future, for it was not done just this one time alone, rather … Continued

Are Chinese Atheists Who Persecute Judaism and Threaten Israel, Bad People?

China Has Helped Iran Threaten Israel With Nuclear Weapons Quote from The foundation of Iran’s nuclear program can be traced to extensive Chinese and Russian cooperation in the 1990s, according to a former U.S. intelligence official who specialized on … Continued supports the pre-emptive attack against Gen. Soleimani even though, there is a real possibility of a major war developing.

posted in: Uncategorized | 0 supports the pre-emptive attack against Gen. Qassem Soleimani even though, there is a real possibility of a major war developing. Even before the ultimate redemption, Kol Hator informs us: It is a major principle, based on our Rabbi, the … Continued

Rabbi Yitzchak: “The year that Messiah is revealed, Persia (in our days, Iran) destroys the world and there is great fear in Israel”

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Rabbi Yitzchak: “The year that Messiah is revealed, Persia (in our days, Iran) destroys the world and there is great fear in Israel” Pesikta Rabbati (Ish Shalom) Piska 36 starting with the word, Kumi Rabbi Yitzchak stated in the year … Continued