A Few Days After the Conclusion of Chanuka 5783 Bibi Netanyahu Officially Returned to Power in Israel. As Usual King David Was Left Out of the Coalition Agreement.

With the title of this post in mind vilnagaon.org reprints an excerpt from the post: King Charles III Recently Became King of Britain. Is There Any Mitzva to See Him? Prayer: May the Coronation of King Charles III Inspire Us … Continued

The Soldier that Snubbed the Chief of Staff Who Destroyed Gush Katif is a Direct Male Line Descendant of King David

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May 5, 2006 (8 Iyar 5766)  https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/103100 reported: The IDF soldier awarded for outstanding service who refused to shake the Chief of Staff’s hand over the officer’s role in the Gaza withdrawal has been demoted, and his prize might be … Continued

Dozens Protest Last Week At the Wall of the Old City of Jerusalem, to Get Permission to Offer Animal Sacrifices, such as, the Passover Sacrifice on the Temple Mount. They Suggest Animal Sacrifices Will Stop the Corona Plague.

The Biblical book of Shmot/Exodus Chapter 12 – describes how the Jewish people were saved from a supernatural plague by offering the Passover sacrifice. That sacrifice however, was offered outside the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, since the rule that all … Continued

“We have to go back to work sooner, much sooner, than people thought,” the president said, warning of the severe damage to the economy.   

https://www.voanews.com/science-health/coronavirus-outbreak/trump-says-americans-want-return-work-amid-coronavirus-pandemic The president has made clear in remarks to reporters and on social media in recent days that he believes rigid enforcement of social distancing for months, which would prevent most U.S. businesses from operating normally, would be worse than … Continued

Israeli Elections: Regarding the Right-Wing Party That Polls Are Predicting Has the Bare Minimum To Enter Israel’s Parliament

Israeli Elections: Regarding the Right-Wing Party That Polls Are Predicting Has the Bare Minimum To Enter Israel’s Parliament There is only one right-wing party running for Israel’s parliament, known as the Knesset, that fundamentally wants to change the security situation in … Continued