Isaiah (Yishayahu): “No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises with you to judgment, you shall make into the guilty party, this is the heritage of the servants of Hashem [G-d] and their righteousness is from me, says Hashem”.

Given Israel’s recent extounding defense against Iranian Missiles (29th of Elul, 5784) I thought it was fitting to print an excerpt from Miracles of the Gulf War that explains the value of expansion. The biblical prophet, Isaiah teaches [chapter 54 verse … Continued

In wake of the Corona Plague – One Should Recall the Words of Ramban and Radak Who Said: All Those Thousands That Fell By A Plague In the Days of David, Fell Only on Account that They Did Not Demand the Temple

The last chapter of II Shmuel {Samuel} as translated by 1 And again the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and He moved David against them, saying, “Go count Israel and Judah.” 2 And the king said … Continued