Rashi and the Sages Who Lived Slightly After the Temple’s Destruction, Claim The Original Temple Mount Was 500 by 500 Cubits.

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In an article in Hebrew that I have only partially published on the internet, I raise the possibility that maybe and I stress maybe, Radbaz believed, that the Temple Mount’s Eastern Wall was beyond the current Eastern Wall that we … Continued

Herod in An Attempt to Atone For His Sins (Or To Give the Appearance of An Attempt), Rebuilt the Temple Without Official Permission from Rome

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Herod in An Attempt to Atone For His Sins (Or To Give the Appearance of An Attempt), Rebuilt the Temple Without Official Permission from Rome Talmud, Bava Batra 3b and 4a as translated by https://www.sefaria.org.il/Bava_Batra.3b.16?lang=en&with=all&lang2=en The Temple that Had Been … Continued