The Soldier that Snubbed the Chief of Staff Who Destroyed Gush Katif is a Direct Male Line Descendant of King David

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May 5, 2006 (8 Iyar 5766) reported: The IDF soldier awarded for outstanding service who refused to shake the Chief of Staff’s hand over the officer’s role in the Gaza withdrawal has been demoted, and his prize might be … Continued

Now that the Journalist, Yair Lapid, Serves as Prime Minister of Israel, It Is Fitting to Review the Culture War Motivation that Led to the Destruction of Gush Katif

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Now that Yair Lapid is Prime Minister it is fitting to reprint the post: The Proxy War of the Israeli Left Against Religious Zionism and their Allies published at about 3 and half years ago. Quote  from: It is … Continued

Video: Refusing Orders by Menachem Gottlieb & Why David Believed that Uriah Was A Rebel Against the Kingdom?

Source: Your browser does not support the video tag. See the comment below on Why David Believed that Uriah Was A Rebel Against the Kingdom? Why David Believed that Uriah Was A Rebel Against the Kingdom? II Shmuel/Samuel 11:11 … Continued

The Kfar Darome Miracle Was Not Enough To Save the Jewish Communities in Gaza From the “Deep State” and A Biblical Curse

Introduction #1 Dvarim / Deuteronomy 20:1 as translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan When you go to battle against your enemies, and see horses, war chariots and an army larger than yours, do not be afraid of them, since God your … Continued

Israeli Elections: Regarding the Right-Wing Party That Polls Are Predicting Has the Bare Minimum To Enter Israel’s Parliament

Israeli Elections: Regarding the Right-Wing Party That Polls Are Predicting Has the Bare Minimum To Enter Israel’s Parliament There is only one right-wing party running for Israel’s parliament, known as the Knesset, that fundamentally wants to change the security situation in … Continued