The Response of Rabbi Moshe Zuriel ZT”L Against the Claims of the Opponents of Techelet 1) Is There Arrogance in This? 2) The Behavior of the Gedolim of the Generation 3) Messiah

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Hebrew Source: Rabbi Moshe Zuriel August 25, 2019 · (24 Av 5779) Question: It occurred to me to hang Techelet threads in my Tzitzit garment, because I saw several people who did so. But recently some Chareidi rabbis announced … Continued

Historical Revisionism by the Families of Rav Kook’s Disciples: Three Case Studies by Rabbi Eitam Henkin HY”D

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Three famous rabbis with personal connections to Rabbi AY HaCohen Kook, to his inner circle, and to his yeshiva, are discussed in this article. While these rabbis never denied their connections to Rav Kook, their descendants—for various ideological and educational … Continued