Do We Violate Shabbat to Save a Fetus Less Than 40 Days Old?

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

Rav Yehoshua Yeshaya son of Rav Aharon Neuwirth writes in his book on the laws of Shabbat “Shemirat Shabbat Ke – Hilchata” Chapter 36, Halacha 2 We violate Shabbat to save a fetus, even if the fetus is less than … Continued

When is the Soul Placed in a Person? At Conception or Formation? The Discussion of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi and Antoninos

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

Note at the outset: It is a common sin among both Jews and Noahides to end a pregnancy for unjustified reasons. A competent Torah-Observant, that is to say, “Orthodox” Rabbi should be consulted on this sensitive topic. For fear that … Continued