Maybe Shimon Cohen Was Right that the Yom Kippur War Was Rigged. 11 Days Before the Yom Kippur War, Jordan’s King Hussein Revealed to Golda Meir the Coming Syrian & Egyptian Plan to Attack Israel

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Israel had advanced warning that Syria and Egypt were about to attack but nevertheless kept the front lines poorly defended. In a channel 14 Hebrew video it is revealed that Golda Meir had a secret meeting 11 days before the … Continued

The Soldier that Snubbed the Chief of Staff Who Destroyed Gush Katif is a Direct Male Line Descendant of King David

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May 5, 2006 (8 Iyar 5766) reported: The IDF soldier awarded for outstanding service who refused to shake the Chief of Staff’s hand over the officer’s role in the Gaza withdrawal has been demoted, and his prize might be … Continued

Identifiable Male Line Descendants of King David Today

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quote from Within the Jewish community, genealogical studies have shown several families that can claim descent ben akhar ben (father to son) in a direct line, most notably the Dayan, Shealtiel and Charlap/Don Yechia families. Most of these families … Continued