By Jewish Standards, Trump Took Millions and Maybe Billions of Dollars of Saudi Bribery Money

As pointed out in the post: Regarding the Revolving Door from FDA Regulator to Employment at Pfizer. Does Halacha View this as Bribery? it is considered bribery, both for judges and public servants, to get a gift from interested parties … Continued

How Does the Yishmaelite Religion Violate the Restrictions Against Foreign Worship (Idolatry)

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

One first has to investigate if there is a prohibition to the Yishmaelites in their belief system according to our Torah. Then we will explain if there is a distinction between the Yishmaelites and the other nations as far as … Continued

When Is It Permitted to Bow to Men and When Is Bowing Considered Forbidden Intermediary Worship , According to Rabbeinu Nissim

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

When Is It Permitted to Bow to Men and When Is Bowing Considered Forbidden Intermediary Worship , According to Rabbeinu Nissim Table of Contents A Saudi Cleric Admits That Some Muslims Stumble by the Sin of Idolatry via the Grave … Continued