The Response of Rabbi Moshe Zuriel ZT”L Against the Claims of the Opponents of Techelet 1) Is There Arrogance in This? 2) The Behavior of the Gedolim of the Generation 3) Messiah

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Hebrew Source: Rabbi Moshe Zuriel August 25, 2019 · (24 Av 5779) Question: It occurred to me to hang Techelet threads in my Tzitzit garment, because I saw several people who did so. But recently some Chareidi rabbis announced … Continued

Video by Oren Evron: The Code of Creation, An Awesome and Inspiring Mathematical Code Is Revealed in the First Verse of the Torah

posted in: English Divrei Torah, science | 0

Your browser does not support the video tag. We received permission to put Oren Evron’s video into this web site. Please scroll down below for a few comments about this video. The editor of this web site is not sufficiently … Continued

Video by Rabbi Moshe Kaplan: An Introduction to Orot HaTeshuva – Regarding The Right and Wrong Reasons to Connect to Hashem

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

Rabbi Kaplan explains: as we approach the Messianic Era  we need to live the Torah Lifestyle above the “Kindergarten Level”. Comment by the editor: It should be obvious from many verses from the Tanakh that it is much better to … Continued

How by Mistake Log Ba’omer Was Transformed From the Day of Happiness of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai to the Day of His Death.

posted in: English Divrei Torah | 0

The following is an excerpt from the article: Monotheism Vs. The Outlook That Everything is G-d Recently it became known that a photocopy containing passages from the original handwriting of Rabbi Chaim Vital made it by some way to the … Continued