In the opinion of Meam Loez commentary on Shmuel/Samuel there was a time of “boiling hot wrath” when David counted Israel, and therefore the Nation of Israel was punished by a plague.

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In the opinion of Meam Loez commentary to Shmuel/Samuel, there was a time of “boiling hot wrath” when David counted Israel, and therefore the Nation of Israel was punished by a plague. last revised 25th of Nissan, 5780 -April 19,2020 … Continued

Hurricane Michael, US Passports, Trump, Jerusalem…the Flood is Coming! By Ariel Natan Pasko

Hurricane Michael, US Passports, Trump, Jerusalem…the Flood is Coming! By Ariel Natan Pasko Michael is the guardian angel of Israel/the Jewish People. Trump just declared no “Jerusalem, Israel” on US Passports, for American citizens born there. The G-d of Israel … Continued