Building New Israeli Settlements – The Opinion of the Gaon – according to Kol Hator

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B”H To Build New Settlements in the Territories Liberated by Israel After the 6 Day War The Opinion of the Gaon – according to Kol Hator Question: Perhaps one should not build settlements right now because of the mitzvah to … Continued

The God of Israel’s Hand in Nature and History By Ariel Natan Pasko

The God of Israel’s Hand in Nature and History By Ariel Natan Pasko Just recently, the Jewish people experienced the Revelation of God at Mount Sinai, AGAIN!The holiday of Shavuot just occurred. Jewish holidays are called a Moed, a private … Continued

How Hitler Continues to Attack the Jewish Majority Decades After His Demise

How Hitler Continues to Attack the Jewish Majority Decades After His Demise One of the failures of the Gush Emunim, settlers movement was their focus on new settlements without sufficient focus on removal of the enemies of G-d from the … Continued