A Peace Agreement Between Saudia Arabia & the Netanyahu Government? Rabbi Yisrael Ariel Explains Why We Should Say No!

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Translation of a Hebrew post from Thu, 21 September 2023 after sunset = 7th of Tishrei, 5784 Regarding a Peace Agreement with the Saudis: A: Any peace agreement with the Arabs comes at the expense of the Land of Israel. For example: giving … Continued

Now The Pragmatic Confirmation of Our Moral Objections to Trump’s Abraham Accords Are Coming to the Surface

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In the past the writers that contribute to vilnagaon.org have raised a number of serious objections to President Trump’s Abraham Accords. For example see: Land for Peace, A Major Sin In Avraham’s (Abraham’s) Time and to Separate Holy From Secular, … Continued

‘More died in two weeks of peace with Dubai than in 70 years of war with them’

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In an article published by https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/295669 Health Ministry’s Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis voices concern over flights to UAE which have contributed to rise in virus cases in Israel. Quote from the article: Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, the head of the public health … Continued

Land for Peace, A Major Sin In Avraham’s (Abraham’s) Time and to Separate Holy From Secular, A Major Sin in Clinton’s Time and Trump’s Time

As a proof that G-d does not endorse “Land for Peace”, I will quote a translation of the words of the Rashbam on the verses in the book of Genesis. There Rashbam explains what brought G-d to command Avraham (Abraham) … Continued

The USA House of Representatives Reaffirms USA Support for the Oslo Terror Accords and the Division of Biblical Israel

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quote from https://www.courthousenews.com/house-votes-to-back-two-state-solution-in-middle-east/ Rebuking President Donald Trump, the House of Representatives on Friday passed a resolution supporting a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The bill passed in a 226-188-2 vote. Five Republicans voted with the Democratic majority to pass … Continued