Sir David Garrard, who has donated about £1.5m to Britain’s Labour Party – Leaves it because of Anti-Semitism

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One of Labour’s biggest private donors has said he no longer feels “any affinity or connection” with the party, and accuses its leadership of failing in its response to “the most blatant acts of antisemitism”.

As Labour struggles to quell a renewed outcry over the issue, Sir David Garrard, who has donated about £1.5m since 2003 (Jewish Year 5763), said the party he had supported “no longer exists”. Despite funding Labour under three leaders before Jeremy Corbyn’s election to the post, he had now left the party, he revealed.

Gerard said:
“On the contrary, I have been witnessing, since Mr Corbyn became leader, a philosophical and a political policy which espouses, in nearly every respect, the very antithesis of the great party under whose reputation, and under whose flag, it now seeks to fly and where so many other Jews were once so proud to stand.” also reported:

The announcement comes as the major British daily The Independent on Sunday reported that 12 senior staff working for Corbyn and for the shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, are members of Facebook groups containing anti-Semitic and violent comments, including praise for Adolf Hitler and threats to kill British Prime Minister Theresa May.

The report also found that 20 of the biggest pro-Corbyn Facebook groups contained “more than 2,000 racist, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, violent and abusive messages,” and found routine attacks on Jewish people, including Holocaust denial. Many of the groups are restricted to members only.

America’s Democratic Party is also moving in the “Corbyn Direction” having given Obama a free pass, on his association with anti-semites such as Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan. And so too a new rising star in that party, Keith Ellison, also goes unpunished for his friendship with the worst of the worst.