Report: Trump may allow Jonathan Pollard to immigrate to Israel

Report: Trump may allow Jonathan Pollard to immigrate to Israel

Quote from:

World Israel News – April 30, 2018
As US-Israel relations are at an all-time high, many are hoping that the Trump administration will allow Jonathan Pollard, a former American intelligence analyst who spied for Israel, to come to Jerusalem.

The Trump administration is seriously considering allowing Jonathan Pollard, a former intelligence analyst for the US government who pleaded guilty in 1987 of spying for Israel and providing it with classified information, to move to Israel, US and Israeli officials at The Jerusalem Post Conference in New York said Sunday.

Originally sentenced to life in prison, Pollard was freed in 2015, albeit with restrictions, among which he is prohibited from leaving the US.

In his defense, Pollard said that he committed espionage because “the American intelligence establishment collectively endangered Israel’s security by withholding crucial information.”

Pollard is the only US citizen who has received a life sentence for passing classified information to an American ally, and several American-Israeli groups as well as US and Israeli politicians have lobbied in his defense, saying the punishment exceeds the crime.

Since Trump might not have made up his mind it is good to write or email the President that you support, freeing Pollard immediately.

This is the message I wrote to President Trump via

I am a Jewish USA citizen who has lived in Israel for many years, because I believe that’s what the Bible says to do so. In any case, I read that President was considering pardoning or at least allowing Jonathan Pollard to immigrate to Israel.
I fully support pardoning Pollard and I consider it a higher litmus test of support for Israel and the Jewish people than some of the other issues in the news.
Freeing Pollard would be a signal that the Trump administration really sees good relations with Israel as a top priority and is willing to do the thing that Bill Clinton committed to, many years earlier [in exchange for Israel taking outrageous risks with the Wye Accord] but backtracked on.

A Link to an Acapella song of the Maccabeats in Hebrew “Acheinu” – which is a traditional prayer for our brother Israelites held in captivity: