Dvarim/Deut. 26:9 “And He brought us to this place, and He gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey”.
The Vilna Gaon in his Aderet Eliyahu commentary explains: “And he brought us to this place” – This is the Temple; or perhaps it is only a reference to the land? When he says “and he gave us this land”, behold land is stated {comment: The Vilna Gaon understands, the Torah is not repeating itself, but adding something new, when it states “and he gave us this land”}. And he put the Temple first, this is to teach us they only merited to gain the land for the sake of the Temple. “A land flowing with milk and honey” – from here Rabbi Yosi Haglili stated to exclude the other side of the Jordan. And so too he says above, “that Hashem, your L-rd gives you” – to exclude the other side of the Jordan, which they chose from their own initiative.