Translation of a statement by Moshe Feiglin
The US Blocks Israeli Bank Accounts
22nd of Nissan 5784 (April 30, 2024)
When they blocked the bank accounts of right-wing activists, all the ostriches could have said to themselves that “Well, these must be sophisticated criminals that the hand of the Israeli law cannot stop and the Americans come to our aid “without the High Court and without B’Tselem”.
It was of course a vain thought, the victims we are talking about are the pioneers of the generation, righteous and heroes, but whoever wants to be deceived, will always hold on to every straw, no matter how stupid.
But now the Americans have blocked the bank account of the Temple Mount Yeshiva.
The Temple Mount yeshiva is not concerned with the building of the land but with the building of consciousness. They learn the laws dealing with the Temple Mount and the Temple, and go up to the Mount legally and quietly along with thousands of other citizens who do this regularly.
That’s it?
Yes, that’s it!
In other words, the Americans are using their economic pressure levers to fight Israeli citizens, not because of their actions, but because of their beliefs.
Let’s understand the meaning of this again.
The American administration does not count Israeli sovereignty.
The sell out that the security establishment and Netanyahu has settled with the Americans over the years, is for the Americans a done deal.
They are not interested in our Knesset, our judicial system, our democracy – for them all these are a mask for the banana republic we have turned ourselves into, a mask that can already be removed.
Whoever thought it would end up in Benzi Gopstein’s bank account, received the Temple Mount Yeshiva, the threats of arrest warrants for the Prime Minister and the Chief of Staff – and soon it will be the bank accounts of all of us.
Towards the upcoming seemingly Independence Day, we should understand.
The Jewish sovereignty that 30 years ago, in the Oslo Accords, decided to part with its identity, finally parted – also with its freedom.
There’s nothing to do.
There is no national freedom without a national identity.
Without asking us and without telling us, the generals, and the judiciary and Netanyahu replaced the British mandate with an American mandate.
Now we must decide whether we accept this situation and entrust our security to those who, in the moment of truth, will never bomb Auschwitz, or free ourselves from the yoke of foreigners and re-raise the flag of the people of Israel in its own land.
By the way, until then, I recommend that every Israeli citizen convert his free balances,
into real estate, gold, crypto
or anything that is out of reach of the US.
Our great friend…