Father of Former Minister Ayalet Shaked Injured While Trying to Save Wounded Police Officers from Hamas Terrorists

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CC BY-SA 2.0 According to Wikipedia Sderot is located in the 10–15 sec of Grad rocket range from Gaza


The Hebrew news site Kipa reports: Former Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked shared a personal event that happened to her family, when her father went out to save lives and injured himself.

“The state needs to hear the story about my father, a hero of Israel who went to the shooting incident in Sderot in the morning,” she told her followers on a social network. “He eliminated a terrorist while driving a motorcycle, got off the motorcycle to give first aid to police officers who were dying in the street, and was shot three times while treating them.”

Shaked describes that since there were terrorist snipers on the roof of the police station in the city, no one could help her father, who rolled over to a place that was protected and bled in the street for a whole hour. She continues and describes: “He bandaged himself and provided cover fire in the process of the rescue operation which continued all the time. This is a story of heroism that our people deserve to hear. It is an honor for me that this is my father, and please help with prayers for his recovery, Haim Ben Tamar.”

Comment: To remind our readers, Bennett and Shaked broke their campaign promise not to form a government with left-wing Yair Lapid. It was during the time of the Bennett-Lapid government that the current Chief of Staff of the Israeli army was appointed.