In the past week, Israel’s Judicial system has issued 2 more outrageous decisions.
After the court invented privileges for Homos 2 or 3 decades ago, one of the courts in Be’er Sheva, recently ruled, that a religious publishing company has to pay a fine of fifty thousand shekels for refusing to accept an order from a gay-rights activist to print materials justifying behavior that the Bible defines as a serious sin (Vayikra/Leviticus 18:22).
Similarly, after the courts in the past uprooted Knesset Laws to remove illegal infiltrators from the country or imprison them, this past week Israeli’s High Court decided to invalidate a law withholding 20% of the wages of illegal foreign workers until they agree to voluntariy leave the country.
This is in addition to making up new standards of the definition of bribery for Netanyahu not used previously, for the purpose of bringing Netanyahu to trial.
After the court invented privileges for Homos 2 or 3 decades ago, one of the courts in Be’er Sheva, recently ruled, that a religious publishing company has to pay a fine of fifty thousand shekels for refusing to accept an order from a gay-rights activist to print materials justifying behavior that the Bible defines as a serious sin (Vayikra/Leviticus 18:22).
Similarly, after the courts in the past uprooted Knesset Laws to remove illegal infiltrators from the country or imprison them, this past week Israeli’s High Court decided to invalidate a law withholding 20% of the wages of illegal foreign workers until they agree to voluntariy leave the country.
This is in addition to making up new standards of the definition of bribery for Netanyahu not used previously, for the purpose of bringing Netanyahu to trial.
Update April 30, 2020 – 6 Iyar 5780
- Activist High Court Suspends Chief Prosecutor Eldad Before His Term Was Extended
Eldad was trying to reopen a criminal case against Activist Court ally, Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit - Supreme Court orders to allow leavened chametz in hospitals on PassoverJudges accept Secular Forum and Adalah organization petition. Transport Minister: ‘Court continues to destroy principles of Jewish State.’
For some of the other posts that describes the abuse of power by the courts, see:

See also The Judicial Dictatorship in Israel, is not Democracy by Ariel Natan Pasko
See also Judicial Activism