Divine Payback For Trump’s Declaration To Betray the Land of IsraelHurricane Harvey

Today a former campaign manager of Pres. Trump, Paul Manafort was found guilty of many economic crimes. And what hurts Trump even more is the plea bargain deal made with his former lawyer Michael Cohen, where Cohen pleaded guilty to many economic crimes, including illegally paying money to 2 women on behalf of President Trump to silence them from revealing damaging information about Trump’s extra-marital affairs. This comes on the backdrop of Trump’s statement that Israel was going to have to make some major concession to the Palestinians as payback for his relatively meaningless, symbolic move of the USA embassy to Jerusalem. And even during that move, he promised not to make changes regarding Muslim control over the Temple Mount.

I take Trump’s statement seriously because up to now “the number of construction starts for housing in the settlements has been in a “downward spiral” ever since U.S. President Donald Trump took office in January 2017 and hit a six-year low in the first quarter of 2018”.

Trump Still Has Been Better Than Obama on Trying To Stop Nuclear Iran and Standing Up For Israel at the U.N.

I therefore urge him to do Teshuva that is to say, repentance and maybe that will undo the Divine wrath against him (see the Biblical book of Yonah/Jonah) for a precedent. He should ask a Rabbi who dares to make statements that are not politically correct and loves the Temple Mount for exactly what steps he should take for Teshuva.

I chose to place an image of Hurricane Harvey as an advertisement for another post of this web site “Hurricane Katrina, Harvey, and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process by Ariel Natan Pasko” which supplements the idea posted here.

written by Shlomo Moshe Scheinman
