The following is based on the Talmud Yerushalmi on Yoma, Chapter 1, Halacha 1 as interpreted by the Yedid Nefesh Commentary
We have found that the Temple was not destroyed the first time, except on account that they were serving idolatry, guilty of severe sexual crimes and shedding blood and so too at the second time of destruction. Rabbi Yochanan bar Torta said, we found that Shiloh was not destroyed, except on account that they were despising the festivals and desecrating the holy things. We found that the Temple was not destroyed the first time, except on account that they were serving idolatry, guilty of severe sexual crimes and shedding blood. But at the second time, we recognized that they toiled hard in the study of Torah and were careful about commandments and tithes and had every form of proper behavior and why was the Temple destroyed? It is only on account that they loved money, and hated each other with baseless hatred. And baseless hatred is a hard matter that is equivalent in severity to idolatry, severe sexual crimes, and bloodshed.
Which Generation Was Better?
There was an incident with Rabbi Za’ira and Rabbi Ya’akov son of Acha and Rabbi Avuna. They were sitting together and they said baseless hatred is worse than those three transgressions in the First Temple period, for in the First destruction they sinned with these three transgressions, but nevertheless, the Second Temple was built. While in the second destruction, they sinned with baseless hatred, but the Third Temple was not built.
Rabbi Za’ira responded, “There is no proof for that assertion, for the second Temple was built when the generation of the first destruction had repented, while the generation of the destruction of the 2nd Temple did not repent and therefore the 3rd Temple was not rebuilt.
Rabbi Elazar said, the first generation where their iniquities were revealed, that they would not conceal their rebelliousness, therefore their end-time was revealed, that the prophet stated they would be remembered (for rebuilding) after seventy years; the latter ones their iniquity was not revealed (this is the correct textual version), so their end-time was not revealed.
They asked Rabbi Eliezer, “are the latter generations more “kosher” than the first ones?” He responded to them, “The Temple shall prove it, that it is your witness that the Second Temple was built, but the Third was not built. And another proof that the first ones were more “kosher” than the latter ones is that our ancestors during the First Temple destruction brought about the removal of the ceiling by their sins, namely, Nevuchadnetzar only destroyed the ceiling but left the foundations, for it is stated (Yishayahu chapter 22:8) ‘And he revealed the protective covering of Yehuda’. But we caused the destruction of the wall supports, for it was stated, (Tehillim chapter 137) ‘that say raze it, raze it, to its very foundations’.”
They said, “Every Generation That It Was Not Built in Its Days It is Considered As If That Generation Had Destroyed It”.
Siftei Cohen – Bamidbar, Parshat B’haalotcha
And also in our iniquities after the Temple was destroyed, every generation where it was not rebuilt in their time it is as if it was destroyed in their time, that if they had done the will of the Omnipresent it would have been built in their time, and since they did not do the deeds that would cause its building, it is as if they destroyed it…
Torat Moshe (Chatam Sofer) – Parshat, V’zot Habracha
And every generation that the Temple was not built in their days it is as if it was destroyed in their days (Yerushalami, beginning of Yoma); it turns out that each and every year a new (decree of) destruction is renewed, and so every time when that day of the tenth of Tevet arrives, which is when the judgment of the heavenly court above, over the destruction began, likewise in every generation and generation, the heavenly court above deliberates and decrees the destruction of each and every year…
Regarding the Yishmaelite Religion
The quote from the Yerushalmi was brought above, “we have found that the Temple was not destroyed the first time, except on account that they were serving idolatry, guilty of severe sexual crimes and shedding blood and so too at the second time of destruction.
According to this one should recall the post: On the Issue of Kiddush Hashem – Accepting the Yishmaelite Religion is Like Accepting Idolatry (Ritva, Radbaz, the author of the Mishna Brura, Rabbi Dov Lior, and more) therefore Solica acted in accordance with the Halacha.
As a backup to the first post, read: How Does the Yishmaelite Religion Violate the Restrictions Against Foreign Worship (Idolatry)