Before you try to imitate the unusual actions that you read in the story about the Tzadik, there are points that you must first take into consideration.

Before you try to imitate the unusual actions that you read in the story about the Tzadik, there are points that you must first take into consideration.

1 Are all the facts about the story accurate?
2 Does the narrator have an agenda that might lead him to censor some of the Tzadik’s activity that does not fit his agenda?
3 What percentage of the time did the Tzadik succeed in his unusual actions and in what percentage of the time he failed? Did they report his failure?
4 What costs should the righteous have to pay, in time, money or spirituality because of his unusual choices, how to solve problems?
5 Are you aware of the possible sins of the Tzadik, which might have had an impact on the choices made?
What type of research did the Tzadik do to reach his statements and actions?
7 Did the family and community sympathize with and support the unusual actions of the Tzadik, or did they mock and oppose?
If the Tzadik had to lose popularity or influence in the community or funding for his beloved Torah institutions for a rare mitzvah or for a non-politically correct mitzvah, how would the Tzadik react?
9 What was the Tzadik’s view of bringing redemption? Is this our domain at all? And if so, do we need to bring it by natural means or only by the supernatural?
10 Do you have your own special needs, which may have an effect on what is the best decision for you as a special person?

And after you have determined that there is no impediment from the points I brought above, one must also ask, do you have the required sanctity?

Here is a quote of Ramchal’s Daat Tevunote to clarify this point:

You will find two people, on one table they will speak, eat and drink, and the results of one’s deeds will rise up to the highest heavens while the results of the other one’s deeds will not rise up and will not be near to them.

The different results he attributes to the initial holiness of the individual.